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Special Issue Article Open Access

Software Project Planning and Resource Allocation Using Ant Colony Optimization with Uncertainty Handling


In software engineering field, developing software tools is challenging and important. In software project humans are important. Human resources are mainly needed. In software project, planning is important. Since software project is much related to human resource, the human resource allocation is the important problem. A software project planning tool must consider the project planning as well as human resource allocation problem. Also the uncertainty factors can occur. In current approach it develops an event based scheduler and an ant colony optimization. The proposed system represents a plan by task list and employee allocation matrix. In the EBS, the beginning time of the project, the time when resources are released from finished tasks, and the time when employees join or leave the project are regarded as events. For planning and employee allocation ACO is used. In real world projects the uncertain events can occur. Previous models are not much considering about uncertainty. The uncertainty can be considered as an event in event based scheduler. The existing event based scheduler is modified, to include the uncertain events such as unexpected absence of employee, termination of employee. Such uncertain can be handled in the current system.

Vivek Kurien, Rashmi S Nair

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