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Volume 5, Issue 6 (Suppl)

J Mat. Sci.

ISSN: 2321-6212

Advanced Materials 2017

October 26-28, 2017

Page 36









Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology

Dielectric nanomethods for assessment of composite material integrity and properties


omposite materials are essential for many modern applications, including airplanes and cars, energy conversion and

storage devices, medical prosthetics and civil structures. The properties and long-term performance of such materials are

determined by the integrity of internal material interfaces at the nanolevel and under mechanical loading by a complex sequence

of progressive nucleation, accumulation and coalescence of micro-damage that is always related to the micro-morphology

of the constituents and their properties. Although detecting and modeling all the discrete details at the local level is quite

difficult and in some cases not feasible, it would be very useful to identify observable local parameters that directly reflect the

global properties and integrity of such materials and specially to detect and predict the onset of different stages of damage

development so that remaining strength and life could be estimated. The present paper reports the discovery of such a method

and the construction of fundamental local concepts and relationships that define the global properties and performance of

composite materials and methods of interpretation that define the boundary between the distributed nucleation of defects

and the interaction and joining of individual defects to create micro-cracks and eventually unstable fracture planes. The new

concepts are based on the application, understanding/modeling and interpretation of the dielectric response of such materials

to low-frequency, low voltage input fields which results in very clear indications of changes in the global dielectric constants

of a fibrous composite material. Conceptual, computational and physical foundations for the new concepts are discussed.

Applications of the concepts are suggested in diverse situations, from structural mechanics to fuel cells to the durability of

nuclear waste forms.


Kenneth Reifsnider is a graduate from Johns Hopkins University in the general field of materials and has served on the faculties of Virginia Tech, University of

Connecticut, University of South Carolina and the University of Texas. He is the Director of the Institute of Predictive Performance Methodologies at UT Arlington

and a Member of the National Academy of Engineering in the US. He has more than 300 archival publications and has given invited guest lectures in more than

20 countries.

Kenneth Reifsnider

University of Texas, USA

Kenneth Reifsnider, J Mat. Sci. 2017, 5:6

DOI: 10.4172/2321-6212-C1-007