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2023: Volume 9, Issue 4

Mini Review:  J Nurs Health Sci
Betty Neuman's Systems Model: A Holistic Approach to Understanding Individuals in their Environmental Context
Lisa Fortsch
Mini Review:  J Nurs Health Sci
Empowering Health Journey: Dorothea Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory in Patient Empowerment
Annette Maruca
Short Communication:  J Nurs Health Sci
Exploring the Foundations: A Comprehensive Overview of Nursing Theories
Debora Shelton
Short Communication:  J Nurs Health Sci
Hildegard Peplau's Interpersonal Relations Theory: Enhancing Therapeutic Nurse-Patient Relationships
William Barta
Commentary:  J Nurs Health Sci
Holistic Care Approaches: Integrating Nursing Theories into Clinical Practice
Jane Haines
Commentary:  J Nurs Health Sci
Integrating Nursing Theory into Evidence-Based Practice: Bridging the Gap between Research and Patient-Centered Care
Diana Baptiste
Perspective Article:  J Nurs Health Sci
Jean Watson's Caring Theory: Fostering Compassion in Contemporary Nursing
Cynthia Foronda
Perspective Article:  J Nurs Health Sci
Nursing Theories in Education: Shaping the Future of Nursing Professionals
Tracey Yap
Mini Review:  J Nurs Health Sci
Nursing Through the Ages: Tracing the Legacy and Transformation of Florence Nightingale's Influence
Victoria Grando
Mini Review:  J Nurs Health Sci
Transcultural Nursing Theory: Bridging Gaps and Promoting Cultural Competence
Carol Ellenbecker