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Editorial Board

ctdbdwea 1
Biography :
Research Interest :
Research Interest
Biography :

Biography MOHSINA F.P. (ASST. PROFESSOR) I have done my B. Pharm from D.S.T.S College of Pharmacy, Solapur , Maharashtra in the year 2009 I am the university topper for all the 4 years of my graduation studies I have qualified GATE examination in 2009. I am the registered pharmacist under Maharashtra state Pharmacy Council (102023). I have joined Luqman College of Pharmacy, Gulbarga for my Masters which I completed in 2011 again with a distinction score. I have joined as lecturer at RMES College of Pharmacy, Gulbarga in the year 2011 and served for approximately 3 yrs. Then I have joined Luqman College of Pharmacy, Gulbarga as an Lecturer in 2014 and then got promoted to Assistant Professor . I am the registered member of APTI. I have qualified many national levels exams . I have patent over my part. I have published a textbook of Pharmaceutical Microbiology with Nirali Prakashan I have many publications over my part. I have been selected as the Editorial board member of many national UGC approved journals as well as many international journals. Acting reviewer for many international and national journals and reviewed many research articles. I have been taking care of the many administrative work of college. I have been even organizing many seminars in our college . I have even contributed lot in the health camp .  

Research Interest :

1. Pharmacology 2. Toxicology 3. Immunology 4. Genetic 5. Biotechnology 6. Herbal drug technology

Research Interest
Wenwen Zhao

Editor in Chief
Wenwen Zhao
Department of Pharmacy
China Pharmaceutical University

Biography :


Research Interest :


Research Interest