ISSN: 1204-5357
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In these days, the quality has become the most important topic in durum wheat in the World. For this purpose, the study was on quality of durum wheat conducted using electrophoresis. In the study, ten durum wheat (commonly cultivated in the region) samples were evaluated for high molecular weight (HGMW-GS) and low molecular weight glutenin subunit(LGMW-GS) composition using SDS-PAGE with Kyle cultivar as a reference. In terms of LMW, data indicated that all cultivar had LMW-2 similar to Kyle cultivar, except Sarıçanak 98. On the basis of elektrophoretic seperation of gliadin fraction it was found that 9 cultivar contained y-45, While Sarıçanak 98 had y-42. On the other hand, in terms of HMW, all cultivar were similar in four location except Güneyyıldızı. Cultivars with glutenin allele LMW-2 (or gliadin band y-45) generally give stronger gluten than cultivars with allele LMW-1 (or gliadin band y- 42).