ISSN: 1204-5357
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Rodents are one of the major biological production constraints of paddy. Field experiments were carried out to evaluate the efficacy of seven different integrated rodent management modules against rodent pests in irrigated rice ecosystem during kharif and rabi seasons of 2011-12. The modules efficacy was assessed by live burrow count and diagonal methods simultaneously before and after imposition of treatments at tillering, panicle initiation and harvesting stages of the rice crop. All the modules were significantly superior over control in reducing the rodent population and their damage. However, the module M3 consisting of cultural practices, burrow fumigation and poison baiting with the rodenticide bromodiolone was the most effective integrated rodent management module in all the stages of the crop growth resulting in 86.5 & 80.3 % control of rodent population and 83.4 & 80.9% control in reducing their damage with a higher benefit cost ratio of 26:1 & 30:1 in kharif and rabi seasons respectively. The non chemical and eco friendly module M5 (cultural practices + trapping + Ecodon + burrow fumigation) was also proven to be superior next to M3 in order of efficacy against rodent pests.