Drug Therapy and Vascular Devices Used By Patients Hospitalized For COVID-19: A Descriptive Study
Background: COVID-19 is a worldwide health problem, and your treatment is based on the symptoms presented, with oxygen supply, use of antibiotics, antivirals and/or corticosteroids.
Purpose: To describe drug therapy and types of vascular access adopted in the treatment of patients with COVID-19 and admitted to the clinical wards of a university hospital, a referential institution for COVID-19 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Methods: Descriptive, retrospective documentary study with a quantitative approach. The sample consisted of 243 electronic medical records from hospitalized patients with a laboratory-confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, between April and June 2020. The selection of participants took place by intentional non-probabilistic sampling.
Results: Peripheral venous access was the mostly applied in 83.5% of the patients. The mostly used classes of drugs were analgesics, (81.9%), followed by antiemetic’s (70.4%), and antihypertensive (51.9%). For medications directed to COVID-19, azithromycin, oseltamivir, ceftriaxone, and hydroxychloroquine stands out with 67.5%, 58.8%, 50.2% and 27.2% respectively.
Conclusions: Patients treated with the medications described had good recovery from the clinical condition. Thus, studies based on randomized clinical trials are suggested to prove the efficacy of drug therapies, including their combination.
Helena Ferraz Gomes,1*, Bruna Maiara Ferreira Barreto Pires 2, Priscila Cristina Da Silva Thiengo Andrade 1, Antonio Marcos Tosoli Gomes 1, Norma Valéria Dantas De Oliveira Souza 1, Eloá Carneiro Carvalho3, Thais Mayerhofer Kubota 4, Cristiene Faria 4, Dayana Carvalho Leite 4, André Herdy Afonso Alves De Lima 4,José Augusto Messias 4, Monique Barreto Santana 4, Denilson Campos De Albuquerque5, Denize Cristina Oliveira 6, Mauricio Cupello Peixoto 7, Pedro de Jesus Silva8, Lilian Prates Belem Behring 8, Carolina Cabral Pereira Da Costa 1, Magno Conceição Das Merces 9, Luana Ferreira De Almeida1, Vanessa Galdino De Paula1, Morena Peres Bittencourt10, Brenda Gratielle Oliveira11, Vitoria Rocha Dos Santos11, Ellen Marcia Peres1*
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