ISSN: E 2347-226X, P 2319-9857

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Research Article Open Access

Eco-friendly management of Sciara orientalis in Agaricus bisporus with agniastra, seed kernel extracts of Melia azedarach and different colored sticky traps and light traps


White button mushroom is very important indoor crop which has been eaten and appreciated for its taste, economic values, flavor and medicinal properties for years. It is a very important medicinal and nutritional species which is used to recycle agro wastes including waste paper, wheat straw, waste tea leaves, oat straw and some water plants. Other than that they are valued from the nutritional point of view. Most common method for their control has been chemical control but due to environment safety and food safety issues, alternative methods should be used. Mushroom cultivation is greatly affected by a range of insect- pests which can cause serious crop loss. Out of all the pests, sciarid flies are key pests of button mushroom. Therefore, seed kernel extracts (aqueous, ethanolic and diethyl ether) of Melia azedarach and agniastra (2.0 %) were evaluated for their effect on mycelial growth of Agaricus bisporus, larval mortality and repellency of Sciara orientalis. Agniastra (2 %) and aqueous seed kernel extracts (10 %) showed 0.00 per cent mushroom mycelium inhibition and maximum larval mortality. LC50 and LC90 values were also calculated for seed kernel extracts by using probit analysis and it was observed that with increase in exposure period from 24 to 48 h, a significant decrease in concentration occurs. Different colored traps were also tested for their efficacy in catching flies, out of which yellow trap without bulb and white trap with bulb were found most efficient. Among seed kernel extracts, diethyl ether extracts showed maximum per cent repellency.


Melia azedarach, mycelial inhibition, seed kernel extracts, agniastra, traps

Aarushi Sharma1, Virender Kumar Rana1, Ranjit Kumar2 and Sunil Kumar2*

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