ISSN: E 2347-226X, P 2319-9857

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Short Communication Open Access

The Cotton Bollworms: Their Survey, Detection and Management through Pheromones: A Review


Cotton is the backbone of agrarian economy and the textile industry throughout the world. There are many reasons for low yield of cotton crop- high price of agriculture inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides), higher intensity of insects and pests attack, shortage of good quality and varieties of seeds, deficiency of water for irrigation, lack of advance technologies, its awareness and agro-professionalism, and adulterations in pesticides, fertilizers and seeds. Among other constrains, one important cause is the attack of insect pests, therefore, it has become vital for Pakistan and other countries to increase cotton yield per acre against pest ravages. Pheromone traps are used to monitor the presence of pests, as control tools to capture insects, as confusants to disrupt insect mating and as lures to attract insects to insecticidal baits. Present article describes alternative control strategies of cotton bollworms such as mating disruption with synthetic pheromone for its potential role in integrated pest management.

N Ahmad and Muhammad Sarwar

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