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Clinical Respiration
Research Article:  J Clin Resp
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (ESS) Outcome in the Treatment of Chronic Sinusitis: Southeast Nigeria Experience
Obasikene CN1, Obasikene Godwin2*, Afiadigwe EE2, Ibiam Frances A3, Adekwu Amali4, Ezeanolue BC5
Short Communication:  J Clin Resp
Virology, Spectrum and Structure of Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Van Hueseok*
Commentary:  J Clin Resp
Spontaneous Respiration in Neonates and its Clinical Implications
Suan Sen*
Opinion Article:  J Clin Resp
Mechanism of Bronchial Epithelial Cell Response to Antigens and Allergens
Leo Danyee*
Perspective Article:  J Clin Resp
History and Clinical Features of Asthmatic Exacerbations
Shin Hyuang Shi*
Perspective Article:  J Clin Resp
Sulphur Dioxide Exposure Effect on Ciliated Cells and Mucins
Adam James*
Commentary:  J Clin Resp
In Vivo Tests for the Confirmation of Allergic Sensitization in an Individual
Leewen Hoek*
Opinion Article:  J Clin Resp
Pathology and Pathophysiology of Bronchiectasis
Kawasahi Shin*
Opinion Article:  J Clin Resp
Selection of the Type of Mechanical Ventilation Methods for Patients with COPD and its Goals
Tae Yun Min*
Perspective Article:  J Clin Resp
Interpretation of Chronic Lung Diseases and Their Management
Kim Jung Seok*