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Dr. Manish Kumar Sharma

Dr. Manish Kumar Sharma

Dr. Manish Kumar Sharma

Research Scientist- Analytical Research and Development
Amneal Pharmaceuticals, Brookhaven, New York, USA



12 years of educational and research experience in pharmaceutical analytical research and development and co-authored 7 published, research publications and 3 submitted peer reviewed high impact research publications. Research in the field of corrosion and passivation of advanced metallic materials in various media Vast experience of generic pharmaceutical industry (ANDA-Abbreviated New Drug Application) to develop affordable and bioequivalent generic drugs. Experience on HPLC, UPLC, GC, GPC, GC-MS, Dissolution Apparatus (USP I, II, III, IV, VII), XRD, TPW, Rheometer and Malvern Mastersizeres. Proficiency in Analytical Method Development and Validation of pharmaceutical and bio-pharmaceutical products (ANDA and NCE), parenteral (Injection, powder for Injection, suspension for injection), solid oral-Rx and OTC (tablet, capsule, soft gel capsule, birth control pill), ophthalmic (solution, suspension), topical (gels) and liquid orals (syrup, powder for suspension) formulation projects. Experienced in Bio-relevant dissolution testing method development and “in vitro-in vivo correlation” (IVIVC) for immediate and controlled release products Strong analytical, problem solving and interpersonal skills with solid work ethics.


Research Interest

 Analytical chemistry