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2022: Volume 11, Issue 3

Conference Proceeding:  JAAS
Biochemical changes in dry root rot (macrophomina phaseolina) Infecte Plants of green gram
Mohit Kumar
Conference Proceeding:  JAAS
Cover Crop Management Effects on Soil C and N pool and Fresh-Market Tomato Yield
Rafael A. Muchanga
Conference Proceeding:  JAAS
Morphometric trait variability of autochthonous Walnut (Juglans regia l.) in north-western Himalayan region
Rafiq Ahmad Shah
Conference Proceeding:  JAAS
Sustained Government Initiatives made India a Global Leader in Micro Irrigation
T B S Rajput
Conference Proceeding:  JAAS
Phenotypic variability of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L) germplasm with temporally varied collection from the amhara rregional state, Ethiopia
Sintayehu Admas
Research Article:  RRJAAS
Bank Credit and Complication of Farmers in Ariyalur and Tirunelveli of Tamil Nadu
Kaliappan Murugan*
Research Article:  J Agri Allied Sci
Estimation of Soil Loss, Evaluating Effectiveness of Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Identification of Erosion Hotspot Area, the Case of Gina-Beret Watershed, Central Highlands of Ethiopia
Andinet Fikre*, Getachew Fissha, Mulatie Mekonnen
Research Article:  RRJAAS
Beauveria Bassiana: Entomopathogenic Fungi as Biopesticide Reported from Cachar, Southern Assam
Ankita Dey*, Baby Singha
Research Article:  RRJAAS
Women of Fishing Community: Unsung Women's Role in Foxnut Production
Khushboo Shimran*