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Darrell R Fry

Darrell Fry, Assistant Professor, Stephen F. Austin State University, USA
Dr. Fry's experience and training have fed two passions in research which he continues to pursue: understanding fluorescent probes molecules, exciting students about chemistry. In his Ph.D., Dr. Fry worked extensively with fluorescent probe molecules in hydrophobic environments. He has extended this interest to understanding the interaction between the chemical microenvironment and the probe molecule. Currently, Dr. Fry is working with fluorescein and porphyrins. For fluorescein, his goal is to understand fluorescein in different solvent systems. With this understanding, some of the limitations of fluorescein as a probe molecule can be overcome. His goals with the porphyrins are to develop a solid-state fluorescence sensor for various metals in solution. As a college professor and high school teacher, Dr. Fry has learned the importance of exciting students about learning chemistry. Currently he is working with college students in developing a series of chemical demonstrations for younger students. Moreover, he is also working at developing new laboratories for college students.
Research Interest
Analytical Chemistry, Fourier Transform methods