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Barbara J. Hatcher

Barbara J. Hatcher

Barbara J. Hatcher
Associate Professor
School of Nursing
George Mason University
United states

Tel: 703-993-1941



Barbara J Hatcher, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN is an Associate Professor of Nursing at George Mason University where she teaches health administration and health policy courses and has responsibility for the nursing administration track of the DNP program. Additionally , she is a global health consultant and leader with significant experience in health advocacy, national and international health policy, governmental affairs, national and international association management and state/national professional regulation. Currently, she is involved in global efforts to advance nursing leadership in the areas of social justice, the rule of law and health diplomacy. She is a peer-reviewed author and public speaker. Dr. Hatcher has received numerous awards and recognitions including the Josephine A Dolan Award for Public Service from the University of Connecticut, the Trailblazer Award from the National Black Nurses Association and an inductee in the American Academy of Nursing and the Waterbury (CT) Hall of Fame.


Research Interest

health policy, ethics in global health, health care services, public health  and health workforce
