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Malgorzata Kujawska

Malgorzata Kujawska

Malgorzata Kujawska
Department of Toxicology
Poznan University of Medical Sciences



Malgorzata Kujawska graduated with a MSc. and Ph.D. in pharmaceutical sciences at Poznan University of Medical Science.Malgorzata took part in the internship in NASA Ames ResearchCenter at Synthetic Biology Innovation Lab. She is the winner of the Rector's Award for Excellence in Research.Małgorzata has also experience in conducting toxicity studies for new chemicals and novel food products. She has carried out the research in cooperation with scientific institutions as well as with companies.Małgorzata is also an external expert for Polish Ministry of Health within the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development in the field of healthcare.


Research Interest

Malgorzata Kujawska's Research work has been focused on the mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in Parkinson’s disease (PD) exhibiting a great potential as a therapeutic target. The research is based primarily on mechanistic studies on neuroprotective role for preparations containing plant polyphenols as well as their gut microbial derived metabolites on a PD-like degeneration.