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Dr. Jitendra Singh

Dr. Jitendra Singh

Dr. Jitendra Singh
Associate Professor
Health Services Administration program in the School of Nursing & Healthcare Leadership
Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM).

Tel: 218.477.2693



Dr. Jitendra Singh is an Associate Professor of Health Services Administration program in the School of Nursing & Healthcare Leadership at Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM). He holds a Doctorate in Health Sciences and Masters in Health Administration. He also holds a clinical degree in dentistry. In addition to this, he has a certificate in Bioinformatics, Lean healthcare and online teaching and learning. In his current position, he has secured accreditation for Health Administration program, launched completely online programs, and has completed several leadership projects at MSUM. He has presented his work on interprofessional learning and education, Lean healthcare, active learning strategies, and team-based learning activities in online format and teaching and learning at international and national conferences. He has utilized qualitative, quantitative and mixed method approach in his research projects. He has also served as a reviewer for international health care conferences. Recently he received international recognition “International Award for Excellence in E-Education” for his contribution to the field of online teaching and learning.


Research Interest

Use of team-based learning and active learning strategies in online and hybrid health programs, Interprofessional education and learning, Application of Lean management/Toyota Production Systems to health care and teaching and learning process, Health Sciences, Public Health, and Community Health. Additional Research Topics - - Chronic diseases and obesity prevention - Population health interventions - Quality improvement initiatives inhealth care - Public health initiatives