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Jyotirmayee Rautaray1, Raghvendra Kumar2
School of Computer Engineering, KIIT University, Odisha, India1
School of Computer Engineering, KIIT University, Odisha, India2
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Secure sum protocol of confidential data inputs is an exciting instance of Secure Multiparty Computation Protocol, which has attracted many researchers to devise secure protocols with highest privacy and lower probability of data leakage. In this paper, we proposed a protocol to compute the sum of individual data inputs with zero probability of data leakage when two neighbour parties join together to know the data of a center party. We break the data block of each party into number of data segments and redistribute the data segments among parties before the computation after adding the own random number. These complete steps create circumstances in which it becomes impractical for semi honest parties to know the private data of some other party presents in the Bus network architecture. In this all parties arranged in Bus topology. So the number of complexity of this protocol is decreased with zero percentage of data leakage. In this paper we proposed a distributed database Rk secure sum protocol.f


Secure sum protocol, Secure multi party computation protocol, Privacy, Trusted third party, Without Trusted party, Information security


The amount of growth of internet or network to compute some of the function by using different functional input without disclosing their own input to the other party. So this privacy plays an important role for calculating the common function. But for providing the privacy using different protocol for two party computations used e.g. Yao protocol [1], X ln (X) [1] [2] and secures sum protocol [1] [2] [5] [6] and for multi party computation protocol used secure multi party computation [3][11][12][13][14][15].
A. Secure sum protocol
Secure sum protocol [4] [5] [7] is used when two party want to compute the common function without disclosing their own input to the other party. In this protocol party P1 send the data block to another party presents in the network after adding the own random number. So that other party never able to know the other party result.
B. Secure multi party computation protocol
This protocol is applicable when the number of parties greater than or equal to two. In this protocol [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] one party is send its data segments after adding its own random number to the next party presents in the network. The secure sum computations model is divided into three models. One is homogeneous model, heterogeneous and another is hybrid model. In homogeneous model divided the database into number of horizontal partition database in row splitting manner so that other party will never the other party result this protocol is very useful in horizontal partition database. In heterogeneous secure sum model in which divide the database into vertical partitioning manner so that other party will never know the result of another party result.
C. Trusted third party
Trusted third model [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] is also called ideal model. In which trusted third party play a impotent role to broadcast the global result, in this protocol all party will calculate their own result and send to the trusted third party then third party disclose the result.
D. Without third party
Without third party model [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] is also called real model. In this model all parties calculate their result and one of the party broadcast the result to the rest of the party presents in the network.


Let P1, P2… Pk are k parties concerned in mutual secure sum computation where each party is accomplished of breaking its data block into a fixed number of data segments [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] such that the sum of all the data segments is equivalent to the value of the data block of that party. In proposed protocol quantity of data segments in a data block is kept equal to the number of parties [5]. The values of the segments are randomly selected by the party and it a secret of the party. If k be the number of segments (which is equal to the number of parties involved in the bus architecture) then in this protocol each party holds any one segment with it and k-1 data segments are sent to k-1 parties, one to each of the parties. Thus at the end of this rearrangement each of the parties holds k data segments in which only one data segment belongs to the party and other data segments belong to rest of parties presents in the network. In this proposed protocol, one of the parties is generally selected as the protocol initiator party which starts the computation by sending the data segment to the next party in the bus network. The receiving party adds its data segment and its secreted number and send to the next party presents in the architecture. This process is repeated until all the data segments of all the parties are added as well as data segments then the protocol initiator party is reduce the sum of all data segments then the sum is announced by the protocol initiator party. Now even if two adjacent parties maliciously cooperate to know the data of a middle party they will be able to know only those k data segments of a party which belong to every party. The sum of these data segments is a garbage value and thus worthless for the unauthorized parties. B1, B2 and B3 is a block of data then the segmentation break the block of data into the different number of data segments (D). Fig1 shows the distributed database Rk secure sum protocol before redistribution and fig2 shows the distributed database Rk secure sum protocol after the redistribution.
Algorithm: - Distributed database Rk secure sum protocol
Step1:- Select number of parties in bus network from P1, P2……..Pk /*where K=1 to N*/
Step2:- Select the random number from R1, R2…..Rk.
Step3:- Each party breaks the data block into different number of data segments Di1, Di2…….Dik/* where ΣDik=Ri and J=1 to K*/
Step4:- Each party hold their only one data segments and distribute the rest of data segments after adding the random number to the rest of party presents in the bus network.
Step5:- After that each party rearrange the data segments and random number.
Step6:- Let Rc =K and Pij /*Rc Is round counter and Pij is Partial Sum where Pij= X. Support- minimum support*|size of the database| */
Step7:- While Rc! =0 Begin For j=1 to K-1 do For i=1 to K-1 do Party Pi send the Pij=Dij + Rij to the Pk Rc =Rc-1 End
Step8:- Party Pk broadcast the result to the rest of parties’ presents in the bus network.
Step9:- End of process.


In this paper we proposed a Dk secure sum protocol for calculating the global result without disclosing the result of individual parties. For preserving privacy we used secure multi party computations with zero percentage of data leakage with high privacy. This protocol is advancements to all the previous protocol because this protocol is used bus topology to calculating the global result without disclosing their result. The number of this proposed protocol is N-1 so that the complexity of this protocol is in term of N its ? (N).

Figures at a glance

Figure 1 Figure 2
Figure 1 Figure 2


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