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Impact of E-Mail communication

Jemima Daniel
Lecturer in English, Bharath Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai – 600073, India
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Electronic mail, or email as it is commonly known, is increasingly used instead of letters or faxes. Any two computers that are connected by wire can be used to communicate with an electronic mail program. So within an organisation that has computers linked to a network, internal mail is a simple way of passing information and ideas around office.


E-mail in simple words is the process of sending and receiving letters or messages through the exchange of electronic signals between different computer networks. The written document is sent to the main server from where it is sent to the recipient, all in electronic form. The transfer protocol is called simple mail transfer protocol. Domain names in an e-mail address specify the location of the person’s account on the internet. E-mail is gaining a huge popularity and has to a large extent become the preferred mode of sending and receiving messages with in and between business organisations. Apart from beingfast and economical, it has a number of other useful features some of which are given as follows:
(i)One message can be simultaneously sent to many receivers. It is easy to type the e-mail addresses of numerous receipents in CC or BCC fields and have one message sent to many intended recipients at the same time. One can also send a message to several recipients by including all the addresses in the ‘To’ field. However this allows all receivers to see the e-mail addresses of all the other recipients to whom the e-mail has been sent, and this is not an accepted norm in serious business correspondence. It also conveys a sense of lack of need for exclusivity or confidentiality of communication on the part of the sender. Hence putting these in BCC or CC field is preferred.
(ii)E-mails can be easily exchanged between people spread across different geographical locations and time zones. People can also access mails at any point of the day or night. Hence, companies which work with their associates in different countries need not interact at the same point of time on any given day. People living in time zones that are different from that of the receiver can access e-mails at any time convenient to them.
(iii)The response is immediate. The instant connectivity of the Internet allows for immediate feedback between people. The physical distance between the sender and the receiver has no impact on the cost. The facility of offline also permits users to send mails even when the individual is disconnected from the network. The receiver too can disconnect from the network after retrieving all e-mails from the mail box and take time to read, understand the contents, and act on them.
When the modem is connected to a telephone line communication with computers miles away becomes possible. As this way is expensive, an alternative is the modem that is connected to the internet via an internet service provider. Most internet communication costs the same as a local call that sending emails across the world is very cheap. Even the matter can be composed Offline and send online at affordable rates and at a fast pace.


Communication is quick as an email reaches its destination in a span of minutes or seconds.
Distribution of message to various persons is fast.
Accessing vast pools of information stored on the internet is easy.
Thousands of email messages can be saved and retrieved when required.
Pasting all or a part of an email into other computer documents is possible.
The reply option helps one keep track of the context for the reply.
Attaching drawings, sounds, video vlips, photos is easy.
Composing and sending email can be done at leisure and the receiver need not be present to receive the mail.


No scope for recalling the message once sent.
Receiving unwanted or spam messages.
Threat from e-mail hackers.
Difference between the format of the message composed and the message received.
Absence of voice inflections and gestures,makes the message dull.
E-mails style and Etiquette
Identity yourself and topic.
Keep it brief so that the message reaches across clearly.
Avoid long sentences.
Vary the tone having your audience and purpose in mind.
Use active instead of passive.
Be careful with spelling and grammar when the message is formal because it can lead the readers to question your competence.
Do not attach unnecessary files.


As there are chances of e-mail messages getting into unintended readers hands, certain precautions should be mainained. Ensure that personal messages are sent to the correct individual and not to a mailing list. Avoid sending confidential or personal material via e-mail without encrypting.


  1. Pete Loshin, essential E mail protocals: A Developer’s Guide, Addison- Wesley professional.
  2. “E-Mail “or” “e-mail”. English language and usage- stack exchange 2010 Retrieved sep 26, 2010.