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Living Organism: A Review

Martin Vlcek*

E Functionality, Pardubice, Czech Republic

*Corresponding Author:
Martin Vlcek
E Functionality, Pardubice
Czech Republic
+420737164 850

Received date 26/07/2017; Accepted date 24/08/2017; Published date 31/08/2017

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Holistic physiology describes an organism as an object with a holistic control. That is why it must identify quantities and relations what are usual e.g. in a human organism as a typical and the most explored representative of holistic objects. A certain problem consists in the fact that his understanding is not yet finally formalized and closed. As a basis of this holistic approach there are quantities reflecting satisfaction, successfulness and consciousness on the highest level of the structure of control. An object exists to such a measure to what its elements – its building stones – don’t have tendency to leave it. By other words to what they are satisfied inside. An aim of the object to maximize its existence is a substance of relations in its structure of control. In some cases, elements can’t simply leave it, as it is the case e.g. in the organism. Here is then a general criterion to leave on a lower level. Thus, not of cells but of water. Certain information can be also extract from the tendency to leave partial structures, not the object as whole. On the top and on the beginning of the scheme of control is a control of the satisfaction of the organism. It goes about a global satisfaction of the object as whole what is derived from satisfaction of its elements, from “society“ of cells. It evaluates the tendency of elements of the object to leave it. Once it identifies an event what earlier was associated with a critical level of this tendency it starts the process of control. Its goal is to correct arisen or only menacing situation in the global satisfaction. This correction happens on a basis of consciousness what is an aggregation of distribution of tension, what means of unexpected differences in successfulness of groups of elements. The consciousness of the organism thus represents the global tension where the aggregation arises on a basis of last experiences with meaning of individual tensions. In cooperation with global successfulness of the organism – a feedback from the environment – the border of the cell is controlled and thus the environment is influenced in a desirable manner. In parallel there is a control of successfulness of elements having as a goal their balancing. And at the same time a systemic elimination of unsuccessful elements. These are quite uninvolved cells. A level of successfulness of a cell is given by a level of its involvement e.g. through intercellular channels into surrounding structures. A holistic structure is studied and presented through a structural model of events.


Organism, Cell, Holistic, Satisfaction, Successfulness, Consciousness


Presented work stems upon the fact that elements of an organism are cells. From this holistic point of view stems that their satisfaction is in some manner fundamental and that the organism, what means a higher organizing structure is here more likely for them than they for it [1]. This can seems to be a little “somersault” but in a case of other organization of matter – of a human society – it is percept as self-evident. The society and its control are here for the man and not inversely the man for the society.

The man has from many understandable reasons self-centered tendency [2]. But if a similarly point of view is used in the case of the organism, means one level below, he doesn’t take it as adequate. The holistic point of view is a universal manner of organization of matter and that is why it is also applied on the organism in this work [3].

Control Of The Organism

Satisfaction – Existence

Existence of an organism is a function of satisfaction of its elements - cells. It probably goes about a simple function – e.g. an average. Their satisfaction manifests itself in a tendency to stay in or to leave the organism. It is necessary to admit that an element of an organism has its "intelligence" and that on a basis of its satisfaction it decides itself [4]. In a case of impossibility to leave the organism the satisfaction can be observed on a lower level – on a tendency of molecules of water to leave a cell. On a basis of model calculations it seems that for an evaluation of the global satisfaction it can be used a satisfaction of elements in frame of a given area of the object, too [5].

In principle in an organism there are two areas. One of them working with a tension as a function of successfulness of elements and second one working with their satisfaction. In the part working with the satisfaction there happens a permanent evaluation of the existence of the object and at the same time there is a finding out of events of satisfactions what in the past preceded the drop of existence of the object [6]. If an event connected with a negative development of the global satisfaction of the cell is identified or the drop itself is found, the second part of the organism working with a tension is initiated. It will make such a reconstruction of the system, having in its basis a movement of the organism, leading to a solution of the identified event.

Localization of the part of control of satisfaction is very uncertain. From the substance of the matter it goes from the holistic point of view about a “dark matter”, means working on a principle different than the “remainder of the world”. The basic problem is how to evaluate the satisfaction of cells. As it was already said it could be reflected in dynamic of water [7].

An aggregation of this information from cells resp. a handover of outputs formed on its basis happens probably in the limbic system of the brain. It is possible that in general dopaminergic ways in the brain are involved.

Successfulness – Consciousness

Differences in successfulness of elements – cells and of their clusters - are aggregated into the brain in a form of a tension. In general it goes about discrepancies in activities mainly followed on a demand for them in their immediate environment. On a basis of the information contained in the tension an overall control of the organism happens [8].

The activity of the consciousness arises as a sequel of the activity of the part evaluating the global satisfaction. That is why it goes about a control from deep structures of the brain and the controlled part is the area of the cortex.

The information about differences in successfulness comes mainly from the border of the organism. The role of the consciousness is to evaluate on the basis of experience what events formed upon the tension and from what parts – e.g. receptors – were in the past useful in a solution of the event of satisfaction [9].

In the activity of the consciousness it goes about a finding out of a maximally aggregated event what is on the basis of an experience connectable with a solution of the global event of satisfaction. In general in the evaluation of the tension, what means in the time of work of the consciousness, it goes about a consecutive substitution of initial tension among cells by tension among events. Events – complex of values – thus substitute values and complex tension arises [10].

Global Successfulness

For an involvement of the output from the consciousness an activity of another global part of control is necessary. This global part evaluates the global successfulness of the organism. This successfulness manifests itself on the state of the border with the environment. An evenness of this border - a state without marked tensions on it - is a state of higher global successfulness and vice versa. But it doesn’t go about a physical border – a membrane – but about an area of mutual activity between the organism and its environment. And the environment is for new on an as high level as possible. The consciousness tries to aggregate inputs until the highest level of other organisms [10]. Properties of thus maximized border are formed partially by activity of the organism itself but also by a coming back response. It is possible to name it as a demand. But it doesn’t go about activities been in progress at one time – the role of a part of control in evaluation is to find out sequels [11].

In general an object is successful one if its activity on the environment - and thus also the demand for it - is under its control. Because a tension on the border, what are some points of singularity, are not in the interest of the object, an even border is a manifestation of a successful object. What means of an object having under its control its own border. The border is controlled by the consciousness and among other things it represents an instrument for influencing the environment. At the same time it is used for a communication with it, too.

The global state of the border is monitored and a global quantity of successfulness arises. The overall activity of the object is under influence of this successfulness. What means that the level of successfulness of the organism manifests itself in the level of its activity [12].

Reconstruction – Movement

At the final phase a movement arises – in a form of change of the border and of an influence over the environment. It goes about an activity of locomotive apparatus and as a sequel – in the frame of its complexity at time and in space – a solution of the initial event of satisfaction happens.

This activity of the locomotive apparatus represents an analogical event as was the initial even of satisfaction. It goes about a global event what is an activity of the overall organism. It is because it solves just one global event of satisfaction – this one what was on the beginning of the chain of control.

Complexity of this event is not only in complexity at a given time, it goes about a sequence o partial events and start of this sequence can precede time of the event of satisfaction itself. But of course this one is not only at one time [13].

Evaluation of Satisfaction

At the terminal phase there is a repeated evaluation of satisfaction of elements. Probably it will be established that the initial event of satisfaction is no more present and thus just enrolled solution will be stabilized. But another problem in a form of a different event can arise, signalizing a drop of measure of existence - satisfaction of cells. And thus the cycle of activities of the control, this circle of the life of cell, continues on [14].
