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Mrs.S. Sujatha and Mrs. A. Shanthi Sona
  1. Associate Professor School of IT&Science, Dr.G.R.Damodaran College of Science, Coimbatore.
  2. Tiruppur Kumaran College for Women Tirupur.
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Abstract---Clustering is a general technique used to classify collection of data into groups of related objects. One of the most commonly used clustering techniques in practice is K-Means clustering. The major limitation in K-Means is its initialization technique. Several attempts have been made by many researchers to solve this particular issue, but still there is no effective technique available for better initialization in K-Means. In general, K-Means follows randomly generated initial starting points which often result in poor clustering results. The better clustering results of K-Means technique can be accomplished after several iterations. However, it is very complicated to decide the computation limit for obtaining better results. In this paper, a novel approach is proposed for better initialization technique for K-Means using Spectral Constraint Prototype (K-Means using SCP). The proposed method incorporates constraints as vertices. In order to incorporate the constraints as vertices, SCP approach is used. The proposed approach is tested on the UCI Machine learning repository. The proposed initialization provides better clustering accuracy with lesser execution time.


Spectral Co-clustering, Semi-Unsupervised Gene Selection, K-Means, Initial Centroids, Spectral Constraint Prototype


Cluster analysis is a technique which groups or clusters the available data into a meaningful or valuable cluster [1]. If meaningful groups are the objective, then the clusters are supposed to capture the expected structure of the data. In certain cases, on the other hand, cluster analysis is only a valuable basis for other purposes, for instance, data summarization. Whether for understanding or effectiveness, cluster analysis has significantly played a key role in a broad category of fields, such as psychology and other social sciences, biology, statistics, pattern recognition, information retrieval, machine learning, and data mining. There have been many applications of cluster analysis to practical problems.
Prototype-based clustering approaches generate a one-level partitioning of the data objects. There are several techniques, but two of the most well-known are K-Means and K-medoid. K-Means defines a prototype in terms of a centroid [2], which is frequently the mean of a group of points, and is typically applied to objects in a continuous n-dimensional space. K- medoid defines a prototype in terms of a medoid, which is the most representative point for a group of points, and can be applied to a wide range of data since it requires only a proximity measure for a pair of objects. While a centroid almost never corresponds to an actual data point, a medoid, by its definition, must be an actual data point. In this section, focused solely on K-means, which is one of the oldest and most widely used clustering algorithms. When random initialization of centroids is used, different runs of K-Means typically produce different total SSEs [3]. This is illustrated with the set of two- dimensional points shown in Figure 1.1, which has three natural clusters of points. Figure 1.1(a) shows a clustering solution that is the global minimum of the SSE for three clusters, while Figure 1.1(b) shows a suboptimal clustering that is only a local minimum. Choosing the proper initial centroids [4] is the key step of the basic K-Means procedure. A common approach is to choose the initial centroids randomly, but the resulting clusters are often poor.
The following procedure is another approach to selecting initial centroids. Select the first point at random or take the centroid of all points. Then, for each successive initial centroid, select the point that is farthest from any of the initial centroids already selected. In this way, a set of initial centroids obtained that is guaranteed to be not only randomly selected but also well separated. Unfortunately, such an approach can select outliers, rather than points in dense regions (clusters). Also, it is expensive to compute the farthest point from the current set of initial centroids. To overcome these problems, this approach is often applied to a sample of the points. Since outliers are rare, they tend not to show up in a random sample. In contrast, points from every dense region are likely to be included unless the sample size is very small. Also, the computation involved in finding the initial centroids is greatly reduced because the sample size is typically much smaller than the number of points.
Although the mentioned initialization algorithms can help finding good initial centers for some extent, they are quite complex and some use the K-Means algorithm as part of their algorithms, which still need to use the random method for cluster center initialization. The novel method to find the initial centroids of K-Means is presented in this paper. The methodology and the experimental results are presented in the following sections.


Kohei Arai et al., [5] stated about Hierarchical K-means: an algorithm for centroids initialization for K-means. Initial starting points those generated randomly by K-Means often make the clustering results reaching the local optima. The better results of K-Means clustering can be achieved after computing more than one times. However, it is difficult to decide the computation limit, which can give the better result. In this paper, a new approach is proposed to optimize the initial centroids for K-means [6]. It utilizes all the clustering results of K-Means in certain times, even though some of them reach the local optima. Then, transform the result by combining with Hierarchical algorithm in order to determine the initial centroids for K-means. The experimental results show how effective the proposed method to improve the clustering results by K-means.
Manjunath Aradhya et al., [7] analyzed the rapid advance of computer technologies in data processing, collection, and storage has provided unparalleled opportunities to expand capabilities in production, services, communications, and research. However, the immense quantities of high-dimensional data renew the challenges to the state-of-the-art data mining techniques. Feature selection is an effective technique for dimension reduction and an essential step in successful data mining applications. It is a research area of great practical significance and has been developed and evolved to answer the challenges due to data of increasingly high dimensionality. Its direct benefits include the building simpler and more comprehensible models, improving data mining performance, and helping prepare, clean, and understand data. Briefly introduced the key components of feature selection, and review its developments with the growth of data mining. Then overview FSDM and the papers of FSDM10, which showcases of a vibrant research, held of some contemporary interests, new applications, and ongoing research efforts. Then examine nascent demands in the data-intensive applications and identify some potential lines of research that require multidisciplinary efforts.
A. M. Fahim et al. [8] proposed an efficient method for assigning data-points to clusters. The original K-Means algorithm is computationally very expensive because, all iteration computes the distances between data points and all the centroids. Fahim’s approach makes use of two distance functions for this purpose- one similar to the K-Means algorithm and another one based on a heuristics to reduce the number of distance calculations. But this method presumes that the initial centroids are determined randomly, as in the case of the original K-Means algorithm. Hence there is no guarantee for the accuracy of the final clusters.


One of the most popular clustering methods is K-Means clustering algorithm. It generates k points as initial centroids arbitrarily, where k is a user specified parameter. Each point is then assigned to the cluster with the closest centroid [9], [10], [11]. Then the centroid of each cluster is updated by taking the mean of the data points of each cluster. Some data points may move from one cluster to other cluster. Again new centroids are calculated and assign the data points to the suitable clusters. The assignment is repeated and update the centroids, until convergence criteria is met i.e., no point changes clusters, or equivalently, until the centroids remain the same. Although K-Means has the great advantage of being easy to implement, it has some drawbacks. The quality of the final clustering results of the K-Means algorithm highly depends on the arbitrary selection of the initial centroids. In the original K-Means algorithm, the initial centroids are chosen randomly and hence Different clusters are obtained for different runs for the same input data [12]. Moreover, the K-Means algorithm is computationally very expensive also.
The proposed method consists of two steps namely Spectral Co-clustering [13] and Incorporating Constraints as vertices [14]. The steps involved in this procedure are as follows.
Spectral Co-clustering:
Spectral biclustering can be carried out in the following three steps: data normalization, Bistochastization and seeded region growing clustering. The raw data can be arranged in one matrix. In this matrix, denoted by , the rows and columns represent the data and the different conditions respectively. Then the data normalization is performed as follows. Take logarithm of the data. Carry out five to ten cycles of subtracting either the mean or median of the rows and columns and then perform five to ten cycles of row-column normalization.
Incorporating Constraints:
Assume that some vertices are believed to belong to the same cluster, one thus expects the co-clustering result to be consistent with the prior knowledge. Initially modeled the prior knowledge with a “must-link” constraint matrix as
The global optimization is thus to minimize the following function:
Where δ is a constraint confidence parameter to regulate the importance of the constraints.
Incorporating Constraints as Additional Links:
Note that in this case, the graph is no longer a bipartite graph since there may be links between any two vertices. In this case, traditional spectral co-clustering [15] cannot solve the problem directly, and carried out spectral partition on the
Incorporating Constraints as Vertices:
The above technique incorporates constraint as an additional link but in this paper the constraints are incorporated as vertices.
Constrained Co-clustering as Trace Minimization (The SCP Approach):
In this section, introduced the Spectral Constraint Prototype (SCP) algorithm that directly models the objective as trace minimization problem. First of all, given a bipartite graph define the co-clustering partition matrix as
the Laplacian of the graph [16] that has several advantages such as symmetric and positive semidefinite. From the above modeled the co-clustering constraints as a trace norm minimization problem.


The proposed initialization technique for K-Means is experimented using two UCI Machine learning repository data sets: Lung Cancer Dataset and Lymphography Dataset.
Clustering Accuracy:
Clustering accuracy is calculated for Standard K-Means (random initialization technique), DPDA K-Means (deriving initial cluster centers from data partitioning along the data axis), K-Means using Constrained Spectral Co-clustering (CSC) and the proposed K-Means using SCP in lung cancer dataset and lymphography dataset. Figure 4.1 shows the comparison of the accuracy of clustering results for the proposed method with the standard K-Means, DPDA-K-Means and K-Means using CSC. From the figure, it can be observed that in both the dataset, the accuracy of clustering results of the proposed K-Means using SCP is better than the other methods.
Execution Time:
The execution time is calculated based on the running time of the clustering approaches on the two dataset. Figure 4.2 shows the execution time taken by the Standard K-Means, DPDA-K-Means, K-Means using CSC and the proposed K-Means using SCP.
It can be observed that the time required for execution using the proposed K-Means using SCP is very low, whereas, more time is needed by other clustering techniques for execution.


Numerous applications depend upon the clustering techniques. The most commonly used clustering technique is K-Means clustering. But the initialization K-Means often make the clustering results reaching the local optima. So to overcome this disadvantage a novel initialization technique is proposed. The novel initialization technique consists of two steps namely Spectral Co-clustering and Incorporating Constraints as vertices using Spectral Constraint Prototype. The experiments for this proposed initialization technique is conducted on two UCI Machine learning repository data sets. The data sets used are lung cancer dataset and lymphography dataset. From the results, it is revealed that the clustering accuracy of the proposed initialization technique using Spectral Constraint Prototype is very high when compared against the Standard K-Means, DPDA K-Means and K-Means using CSC. Furthermore, the experimental section also reveals that the proposed initialization technique takes very lesser time for execution than other techniques.


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