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Signs, Symptoms and Management of Postorgasmic Illness Syndrome

Reiji Farhan*

Department of Medicine, Isfahan University of Technology, Khomeyni Shahr, Iran

*Corresponding Author:
Reiji Farhan
Department of Medicine,
Isfahan University of Technology,
Khomeyni Shahr,

Received: 28-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. JCMCS-22- 83240; Editor assigned: 01- Dec-2022, Pre QC No. JCMCS- 22-83240 (PQ); Reviewed: 14- Dec-2022, QC No. JCMCS-22- 83240; Revised: 21-Dec- 2022, Manuscript No. JCMCS- 22-83240 (R); Published: 30- Dec-2022, DOI: 10.4172/J Clin Med Case Stud.7.7.001.

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People who experience post-ejaculatory persistent physical and mental symptoms have Postorgasmic Illness Syndrome (POIS). The signs and symptoms can last up to a week and typically appear within seconds, minutes or hours. It is regarded as an uncommon condition. A "POIS attack" is characterised by a combination of the following POIS symptoms which are Cognitive impairment, aphasia, excruciating muscle pain all over the body, extreme exhaustion, weakness and flu or allergy symptoms like sneezing, itchy eyes and nasal irritation are some of the symptoms that may be present. Intense discomfort, irritability, anxiety, gastrointestinal disturbances, a need for comfort, susceptibility to nervous system stresses (such as the common cold), depressed mood, headache, dizziness, extreme hunger, sensory and motor problems. Difficulty in concentration, remembering words, reading, retaining information and also communication are additional symptoms.

Signs and symptoms

The sense of melancholy and anxiety that follows sexual contact and lasts between five minutes and two hours is known as Post-Coital Tristesse (PCT). PCT which affects both men and women happens exclusively after sexual activity. In contrast POIS mainly affects men, primarily manifests as physiological symptoms brought on by ejaculation and in certain cases. Despite the fact that PCT and POIS are separate illnesses, some medical professionals think they might be connected.

According to a self-report study conducted online, 80% of participants always reported having problems with focus, irritability and sleeplessness. The symptoms typically appear 30 minutes after ejaculation for a few days, perhaps even a week. Sometimes, symptoms may not appear for two to three days or they may continue for up to a week.

Some males develop POIS during puberty. POIS that begins later in life and manifests from the first ejaculations in adolescence is referred to as secondary type. There are no accepted diagnostic standards for POIS. Five initial criteria have been devised by one group to diagnose POIS which are:

• One or more of the symptoms listed which are: experience of a flu-like condition, excessive exhaustion, musculoskeletal weakness, feverishness or perspiration, mood swings and/or irritability, memory loss, concentration issues, slurred speech, congestion or watery eyes and itchy nose.

• All the symptoms will develop within seconds or minutes or few hours when the ejaculation is initiated.

• Symptoms show up almost usually or always, for example, in over 90% of ejaculation events.

• The majority of these symptoms typically last 2 days to 7 days before disappearing on their own.


The management or treatment of POIS is not standardized. Patients must undergo a thorough examination in an effort to identify the reasons of their POIS symptoms. An appropriate course of treatment can be tried if a cause is suspected. Selected Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) may be used to treat patients with Post-Coital Tristesse (PCT) if it is detected. Treatments are not always effective particularly when the reason why a patient has POIS has not been identified. The following treatments were tried in one patient whose routine laboratory tests were all normal: ibuprofen, 400 mg on demand tramadol, 50 mg one hour prior to conception; and for three months, escitalopram 10 mg daily at bedtime. It is believed that both its diagnosis and reporting are lacking. POIS appear to primarily affect men from all over the world of varied ages and marital statuses.