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Research Article Open Access

A Freshwater Ramsar Site under Pressure- Assessing Threats and Identifying Conservation Needs for Lower Himalayan Lake, Mansar (India)


Lakes are the unique body of water reflecting many characteristics of surrounding watershed and climate. They provide shoreline stabilization and protection against nutrient and sediment retention, mitigate effects of climate change and pollution and are resources for recreation and tourism. But these fresh water resources at present are vulnerable to human induced changes which can bring drastic negative changes in these valuable resources. The study assessed the impact of human activities on lake Mansar and during the study various physico-chemical parameters were assessed for a period of one year (2011-2012) in which turbidity was found above the permissible limits. Lake Mansar due to poor management and increasing human habitation near and around has also being facing major impacts and anthropogenic threats. So immediate conservation measures and management stratergies are of eminent importance.

Sheetu Dhar , Deepika Slathia

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