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Research Article Open Access

A Novel TTP with Checksum Row Authorization Algorithm for Access Control and Data Protection in Collaborative Mobile Computing Environment


With the introduction of smart phones with wide range of applications, the modern business world gains the advantage of all in-one gadgets with roaming work place. The collaborative computing applications found in smart phones helps in performing group work with colleagues even out of the office as all the normal computer functions are possible with the smart phones. Such applications support the interaction between people and information sharing among the participants by storing the data in common storage area. But there is high potential risk for user’s security and privacy in this environment. In order to sustain privacy and security in digital collaborative environments, strong authorization and authentication framework is required and so a novel Trusted Third Party called Shielding Server is introduced which will provide strong authentication and access control mechanisms to make data sharing in collaborative computing environment more secure. Combining the finger print authentication along with conventional password authentication method will provide strong authentication. For providing good access control mechanism, the Shielding Server will classify the data into multiple levels like public, sharable and sensitive data, according to their sensitivity and impose strong access constraints for each level of data. Public data is stored as plain text and any registered user can be access it. Sharable and sensitive data are stored in an encrypted format so that only legitimate users who have the access right can decrypt the data. A novel access control mechanism based on biometric checksum block is introduced for providing privacy to the sharable data and the encryption key generated from the secret information supplied by the user will protect the sensitive data from unauthorized access.

Dimple Elizabeth Baby , Sebastian George , Jessy Paul

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