ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)

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Research Article Open Access

“A Study on the Problems, Perspectives and Implications of the New Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme With Reference To Kanchipuram District of Tamilnadu”


The new initiative of the Government of India to directly transfer the social security benefit payments to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries has invited more criticism rather than appreciation. Still, the scheme has been considered to be having a major impact on financial inclusion, inclusive growth and balanced regional development as envisaged by the World Bank and other funding agencies. The grant of subsidies to the public, particularly the people below poverty line has been being contemplated to be done through bank accounts of the beneficiaries linked through Aadhar Number. The project has been talked about through the width and breadth of country as it involves a huge amount of investment, up gradation of technology and deployment of a vast amount of human resources. The project has already been facing severe constraints, problems and delays and therefore has paved way for a detailed study on the prospects, issues involved, feasibility, perception of the beneficiaries and the solutions thereforeInterdisciplinary relevance o Community Development o Enhanced Social Standards o Socio economy o Technological Improvements o Inclusive Growth o Financial Inclusion o Balanced economic development


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