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Research Article Open Access

An Efficient Methodology for Developing and Maintaining Consistent Software Using OOAD Tools


In this fast growing world, new technology has been emerged in order to reduce and improve our day-to-day activities. This can be achieved through software. By using the software, the programmer can develop a program to computerize the things. This software may be of various kinds based on the purpose and the kind of programming to be done. Of those kinds, the new emerging and most popularly used programming is Object Oriented Programming. This Object-Oriented Programming performs the task with much less time and with less number of codes. To develop such kind of program, OOAD (Object Oriented Analysis and Design) can be used. In this paper, we have to use the OOAD technology to propose a methodology for developing a program with better efficiency and quality. Also, by developing a program using our methodology will provide a better maintenance cost.

S. Pasupathy , Dr. R. Bhavani

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