ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)

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Research Article Open Access

Automation in Autoconer Section of the Spinning Mill


The main objective of the paper is to automate the process of separation of the spinning pumps from the autoconer section of the spinning mill. This process is currently done manually which is being automated. For the separation of the spinning pumps in the conveyor, image processing technique is used. A VGA camera is used to get the colour information of the spinning pumps. Based on the gray levels taken from the image, the processor sends the required signal to solenoid valve thereby separating the spinning pumps by blowing it towards the trays collecting the pumps. The alignments of the pumps were achieved by modifying the time cycle of the Autoconer section.

Sundareshan M, Dinesh Kumar M, Vinoth S, Vivekanandhan P,Mugesh S5,Subramani T,Sundar Ganesh C S

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