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Research Article Open Access

Cell Wall and Lignin Distribution in Coir Pith of Different Ages


Coir pith, a by-product of industry, renewable sourceis dark brown in color, fibrous in condition. The physical properties and anatomical studies of various ages of coir pith were done to determine the efficiency of formation of primary and secondary cell wall in fresh and old coir pith.The cell wall structure, lignin composition and the anatomical view in the collected coir pith were examined through light microscopy and TEM analysis. It was observed that the cell wall structure of the old coir pith of about 5 years old did not support the structure, which showed poor structure whereas the fresh coir pith of 7 days old had improved cell wall structure identifying both the primary and secondary cell wall. From light microscopy, it was observed that the old coir pith possessed less lignin composition than the fresh coir pith. The fibrils and the cuticle were clear in the fresh coir pith unlike old coir pith. This proved the efficiency of fresh coir pith to be used as a raw material. It was observed that the structure identification in the coir pith is directly proportional to time which tends to lose its structure as it degrades.

Priya V, Sampath Kumar MC, N Balasubramanya

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