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Research Article Open Access

Challenges in Water Loss Management of Water Distribution Systems in Developing Countries


Leakage in water distribution systems is an important issue which is affecting water companies and their consumers worldwide. It has, therefore, attracted a lot of attention of practitioners and researchers as well over the past years. The need to manage leakage in pipe networks of most of the municipalities became more urgent in recent years due to water shortages caused by recent draughts, increasing the demand along with environmental, social and political pressures. High value of non-revenue water reflects huge volumes of water being lost through leaks, not being invoiced to customers. It seriously affects the financial viability of water utilities through lost revenues and increased operational costs. The overall objective of a distribution system is to deliver wholesome water to the consumer at adequate residual pressure in sufficient quantity and achieve continuity and maximum coverage at affordable cost. To attain this objective the organization has to evolve operating procedures to ensure that the system can be operated satisfactorily, function efficiently and continuously as far as possible at lowest cost. This paper provides a comprehensive insight of the issues pertaining to the challenges in water loss management of water distribution systems in developing countries

R. R. Dighade, M. S. Kadu, A.M.Pande

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