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Research Article Open Access

Comparative Study on Pectin Yield According To the State of the Orange Peels and Acids Used


Moroccan Orange peels are a promising commercial source of pectin. Their massive industrialization generates a huge amount of solid waste. This work aims to develop a new valorizing reuse way of this solid waste by developing the extraction process of value-added products such as pectin from orange peels, which is the waste of orange juice processing industry. In this context, we evaluated the yield of pectin according to the state of the substrate and the acids used. Results obtained show that the peels which have undergone a Steam Distillation (SD) gives the highest yield of pectin (40% using sulfuric acid) compared to Fresh Peels (FP) (25.71% using citric acid).One part of the (SD) peels was dried outdoors and Non-Conditioned (SDNC), while the other was Conditioned (SDC) at 4°C. The highest yield of pectin for each one was respectively 40% using sulfuric acid and 34.81% using hydrochloric acid. The citric acid gives a satisfying yield in each peels stats, 38.52% using on (SDC), 31.88% (SDNC) and the lowest yield was 25.71% (FPC). The result of this work has emphasized that sweet orange peels are a good source of orange essential oil and pectin and has the potential to become an important raw material for food processing industries.

Mohamed Yassine SAYAH, Rachida CHABIR , EL MADANI Nadia, Youssef RODI EL KANDRI

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