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Research Article Open Access

Design and Analysis of Gas Turbine Blade


The objective of this project is to design and stresses analyze a turbine blade of a jet engine. An investigation for the usage of new materials is required. In the present work turbine blade was designed with two different materials named as Inconel 718 and Titanium T-6. An attempt has been made to investigate the effect of temperature and induced stresses on the turbine blade. A thermal analysis has been carried out to investigate the direction of the temperature flow which is been develops due to the thermal loading. A structural analysis has been carried out to investigate the stresses, shear stress and displacements of the turbine blade which is been develop due to the coupling effect of thermal and centrifugal loads. An attempt is also made to suggest the best material for a turbine blade by comparing the results obtained for two different materials (Inconel 718 and titanium T6). Based on the plots and results Inconel718 can be consider as the best material which is economical, as well as it has good material properties at higher temperature as compare to that of TitaniumT6.

Theju V, Uday P S , PLV Gopinath Reddy , C.J.Manjunath

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