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Special Issue Article Open Access

Design and Fabrication of Minihovercraft


The purpose of my engineering project is to build a successful hovercraft. It is made of items like wood, tap, screws, blower etc. I wanted to see if the holes should be bigger or smaller and if the tarp should be loose or tight. Also, I worked to see if the holes should be near the centre or closer to the edge. By using our blower we run the project. We using two blowers one is used to control the direction and other one is to move the vehicle. Wood with stand whole part of the vehicle. A hovercraft or aircushion vehicle (ACV) is a craft, designed to travel over any smooth surface supported by a cushion of slow moving, high-pressure air, ejected downwards against the surface below, and contained within a skirt. Because they are supported by a cushion of air, hovercraft are unique among all forms of ground transportation in their ability to travel equally well over land, ice, and water. The lifting motion is controlled by a blower so that an air gap can be formed such separation between the bottom of the hovercraft and the ground provides a motion platform, on which the friction force between the hovercraft and the ground reduces to a very small amount Since a hovercraft does not have wheels, the forward motion is created through the propelling action, which is generated by the use of a propulsion fan. A hovercraft is also used for tourism. A hovercraft works on the principle of propulsion and is futuristic vehicle and can be used in many defence and miscellaneous applications. As the air pressure is increased the air lifts the craft by filling the cavity. The cavity or chamber in which the air is kept is called a „plenum „chamber. At the point when the air pressure equals the weight of the hovercraft over the chambers surface area the hovercraft lifts and the air starts to escape around the edge of the skirt.

Vasanthkumar. P , Vignesh. K , Rajkumar. G

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