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Research Article Open Access

Design, Fabrication and Analysis of a Connecting Rod with Aluminum Alloys and Carbon Fiber


In a reciprocating piston engine, the connecting rod connects the piston to the crank or crankshaft. In modern automotive internal combustion engines, the connecting rods are most usually made of steel for production engines, but can be made of aluminum (for lightness and the ability to absorb high impact at the expense of durability) or titanium (for a combination of strength and lightness at the expense of affordability) for high performance engines, or of cast iron for applications such as motor scooters. The present work has been undertaken to replace the existing connecting rod made of forged steel which is broken for LML Freedom with the aluminum connecting rod. The spare parts of the motorcycle are not available as the production has stopped. In this thesis, the connecting rod is modeled in Pro/Engineer, forces are calculated, analysis is done on the connecting rod using materials aluminum 6061, aluminum 7075, aluminum 2014carbon fiber 280 gsm bidirectional, and Analysis is also done for the assembly of piston, connecting rod and crankshaft. The prototype of the connecting rod is made using direct machining for aluminum alloy and hand layup method for carbon fiber connecting rod.

G.M Sayeed Ahmed, Sirajuddin Elyas Khany, Syed Hamza Shareef

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