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Special Issue Article Open Access

Design of Magnetic Levitation Train


For decades, conventional trains, a major source of land transportation, have served people around the world. But the issue is that conventional trains create too much noise and pollution. Also the world is becoming a smaller place for business. As such, people travel longer distances, more often, and so there are longer travel times. This leads to too much fossil fuel consumption and that rate is increasing. That is why some people say, in the next 50 years, that the fossil fuel resource is going to run out. Faster fuel consumption also leads to increased pollution in the environment. So in short, we need travel times to be made shorter and we need a renewable energy source which is clean. But how do we get all this done in one shot? This is where the Magnetic Levitating train comes in.

Vignesh. M , Vigneshwaran. R, Vijay. V

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