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Research Article Open Access

Detection of Rubella Virus in Aborted Women by IgG Avidity Test


Rubella virus is the pathogenic agent of the disease rubella. Rubella is predominantly a childhood disease and is endemic throughout the world. Natural infections of rubella occur only in humans and are generally mild. The study aimed to detect Rubella Virus (RV) in aborted women by Immunoglobulin G (IgG) avidity and anti-rubella virus ELISA (IgG) in order to know prevalence of Rubella Virus (RV), to identify at which stage (trimester) it mostly cause abortion in women, and whether it also found in non-aborted women or not.

The study included a collection of forty six samples from women whose age ranges from 18 to 39. Test samples were collected from Omdurman maternity hospital, while control samples were collected from Omdurman teaching Hospital. IgG avidity test was performed using (Euroimmun avidity determination of IgG anti-bodies against RV) kit. The test was performed according to manufactures instruction. Relative Avidity Index (RAI) in percent was calculated by dividing extraction of the sample with urea treatment times one hundred for extraction of the sample without urea treatment. In case of ELISA test by ratio of extinction of control or patient sample to extinction of calibrator. Among the aborted women, 51.35% were in the first trimester, 35.135% in the second, and 13.51% in the third trimesters. 91.89% of test samples show high avidity anti-bodies, while the other 8.11 equivocal range, there is no law avidity. In total sample 93.47% positive high and 6.52% equivocal. In the same way in ELISA test 97.3% is positive, only 2.7% is border line. In total sample 95.65% positive, 2.17% border line, 2.17%. The virus also detected in control sample, but their appearances are relatively lower than it is in serum of aborted women. We can conclude that, rubella virus can be found in aborted women and normal ones, it can cause abortion at high avidity, but it differs in causing abortion from women to women either based on virus’s stage, host immunity difference, or other factors. Both IgG avidity index and anti-rubella virus ELISA (IgG) test shows almost the same result.
Appearances are relatively lower than it is in serum of aborted women.

Mohammedsalih Kadir*

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