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Research Article Open Access

Effect of Orange Peels Adsorbent on the Performance of Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT)


Orange peels powder was used to enhance the removal efficiency of Soil Aquifer System (SAT) for the removal of Copper and Zinc. The bench scale studies were carried out using 4 different concentrations of both metals in water (5, 10, 15, 20 mg/l) and varying adsorbent heights (25%,50%,75%) in 1.0m soil depth. Soil properties were determined and silty sand soil was used. The efficiency of SAT to remove Cu and Zn without orange peels resulted in 40.8%, 42.2%, 41.93%, 40.43% for Cu and 38.8%, 38%, 36.2%, 37.1% for Zn respectively. The adjunction of orange peels in SAT resulted in increased removal efficiency. While the efficiency was observed maximum at 50% height of adsorbent resulting in 85.8%, 84.2%, 79.8% and 81.3% for Cu and 62.8%, 52.4%, 55.46%, 58.75% for Zn. Comparison studies show that SAT in conjunction with orange peels showed better performance than without adsorbent one.

Divya S.J, Nagarajappa D.P, Manjunath N.T, Shiva Keshava Kumar P.