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Research Article Open Access

Effect of Thermal Insulation on Thermal Efficiency of Portable Solid Biomass Cookstove


In 21st century, most of the energy requirements are being fulfilled through fossil fuels (mainly nonrenewable sources of energy). The demand for these fossil fuels is increasing day by day at an exponential rate. Therefore there is a need of an alternative, renewable energy source. Some of these energy sources are solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, biomass etc. which can be utilized to substitute the fossil fuels. The search for alternative fuels has come to a conclusion with solar energy and biomass being the frontrunners. Due to lack of technology and awareness regarding biomass and its derivatives, this field has not been researched upto its true potential. Hence the utilization of biomass energy in the form of pellets (sawdust, garden waste, etc.) can be used as a fuel to run the cooking stove to replace conventional fuels (LPG). These pellets are ignited, which thereafter undergo gasification process and are used as a fuel in specially designed biomass cooking stoves. The thermal efficiency of these stoves is obtained by performing water boiling test (as per BIS). The challenge in this field is not only to develop such a stove but it should also be technologically feasible, environmentally sustainable, economically viable and socially acceptable. So as to meet these aspects, one of the most effective ways is to provide suitable thermal insulation to enhance thermal efficiency and to reduce thermal dissipation.

Nikhil Dixit, Rushiraj Mantri, Omkar Aranke, Ashwin Godbole

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