ISSN: 2229-371X

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Research Article Open Access



MANET (Mobile and Ad hoc NETworks) is a highly challenged network environment due to its special characteristics such as decentralization, dynamic topology and neighbor based routing. MANET is networks in which nodes are mobile and link connectivity might change all the time. In this kind of networks routing, security and key management are important and complex problems. The problem of routing has been properly addressed by the research community. Nevertheless, the research in security and key management has been postponed or relegated to a second term. This thesis work tries to give a solution to the needs in security for MANET networks using as a base a pre-existing routing protocol: Ad Hoc On-Demand Vector Routing (AODV). The selection of AODV is because the author of this research work is one of the contributors to AODV (so he knows perfectly how it works) and because it seemed that it would be the one that could more easily accommodate the needed modifications. The proposed solution in an extension to AODV called Secure AODV (SAODV). This thesis work includes an enhancement to AODV that allows using shorter routes, which will result in lower end-to-end delays, and longer battery life better than existence works.

Anil Suryavanshi and Dr. Poonam Sinha

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