ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)

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Special Issue Article Open Access

Embedded Technology Based Image and Video Data Extraction


Text data present in video and images contain useful information for automatic indexing, explanation and structuring of images and is also useful for video information recovery and summarization This information is extracted through detection, localization and segmentation of the text from a given image, but dissimilarity of text due to differences in style, size direction, alignment and complex background make the problem of automatic text extraction extremely difficult. Many techniques have been proposed to address this problem, and the purpose of this paper is to classify and review these methods and performance evaluation. We propose new methods to detect and extract the text from the video scene and also extract the audio. System is also implemented using Arm 11 microcontroller in which auto and manual mode is used for video and audio selection. The proposed method is strong about the character of different size, color and location. To reduce the processing time superimposed text region update between the frames is also employed.

Ms.S.J.Wamane, T.A.More

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