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Research Article Open Access

Fire Detection and Notification System in Trains


In this paper, a remedy to reduce the death loss occurring due to fire accidents in trains is presented. Fire on a running train is more catastrophic than on a stationary one, since fanning by winds helps spread the fire to other coaches. When these accidents are occurring in remote areas or during night times the loss or damage being caused is at higher rates. The damage is heavier due to improper reach of service at right time due to improper communication. This time delay is causing heavier damage. Thus, eliminating the time between when an accident occurs and when first responders are dispatched to the scene decreases the damage. This projects help in notifying the passengers and emergency services. The project consists of a microcontroller which is interfaced with the GPS module, GSM modem and fire sensors. Once the sensors attached in the compartments of train senses the smoke detection, it assumes a fire accident. The controller assumes it as an emergency and starts the buzzer, LCD display and GSM modem in the engine sending the latitude and longitude information to the specified mobile number and emergency services, by fetching the information from the GPS.

Kuncham Viswa Teja, Suresh Angadi

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