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Research Article Open Access

Flexural Buckling Analysis of Thin Walled Lipped Channel Cross Section Beams with Variable Geometry


The structural components of an aircraft consist mainly of thin plates stiffened by arrangements of ribs and stringers. Thin walled structure is a structure whose thickness is small compared to its other dimensions but which is capable of resisting bending in addition to membrane forces. Which is basic part of an aircraft structure, Thin plates (or thin sections or thin walled structures) under relatively small compressive loads are prone to buckle and so must be stiffened to prevent this. The determination of buckling loads for thin plates in isolation is relatively straight forward but when stiffened by ribs and stringers, the problem becomes complex and frequently relies on an empirical solution. The buckling of the thin plates is a phenomenon which could lead to destabilizing and failure of the aircraft structure; in this paper it is considered C cross section with variable geometry and length. The critical buckling loads have been studied for several combinations of the geometry parameters of the beam with the help of ANSYS and drown the result plots

Sudhir Sastry Y B, Y Krishna, Anirudh Koduganti

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