e-ISSN: 2319-9849

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Research Article Open Access

Free Radical Conservation Principle and Conservation Equation Research


The purpose of this article is to improve the calculation methods of direct and indirect actions. Through analysis and research on the basic principles of radiation chemistry and radiation biology, as well as the induction and analysis of experimental process and experimental results, it is found that a certain amount of ionizing radiation produces a certain amount of for free radicals; for the same substance, the LET of the rays is different, and the yields of free radicals is different; for the same rays, the yields of free radicals is different for different substances. When the composition of the organism is constant and the water content is the same, a certain amount of radiation will produce a certain amount of free radicals, and a certain amount of free radicals will produce a certain amount of biological effects; when the composition of the organism is constant and achieving the same biological effects, the absorbed dose is inversely proportional to the water content of the organism. The greater the water content of the organism, the smaller the corresponding D37 value, but the total amount of free radicals remains unchanged.

Conclusion: When the environmental conditions of radiation are constant, for the same organism or biological macromolecule, no matter how its water content and D37 value change, the total amount of free radicals when reaching the same biological effect is constant. The free radical conservation equation derived from this principle can not only calculate the magnitude of direct and indirect actions, but also predict the magnitude of radiation effects and the required radiation dose, which plays an important role in the theoretical research and technical application of radiation biology.

Mingli Chen*

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