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Research Article Open Access

Gen-X of Vehicle Anti-Theft System


The main scope of this project is to stamp out the threat caused by theft. This perception is implemented by using a RFID [Radio Frequency Identification] tag inside the engine of a vehicle [i.e., inside carburettor, the fuel injector], which is to be protected. RFID tag is given a super heat resistant coating, which can withstand heat up to 400°F (i.e., 204°C) .A RFID reader, is coupled with a traffic light signals across the city. When a vehicle is lost, the owner of the vehicle file a complaint over the theft in the nearby Police Station .The Corp register the complaint by assimilating your personal details, vehicle detail’s etc. .,which in turn is stored into the database used by RFID reader through authorization .The RFID reader keeps track of all the vehicles passing by checking their respective RFID tag id installed within the engine, when the vehicle with respective RFID id reaches the traffic signal, RFID reader detects the theft vehicle and inform to the police station in which the case has been filed. Thus making it promising for us to detect our lost vehicle even when it is reassembled.

Vinston Raja R, KrishnaRaj M , SathisKumar R

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