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Special Issue Article Open Access

GUI Implementation of UAC Using DPSK, PN, Hadamard, Walsh, Barker and OVSF Code


Underwater Acoustic Channel (UAC) is a time varying fading channel, which is constant over some transmissions after which UAC changes to a new independent status. It is critical to capture the distribution of the channel gain for designing a UAC communication system. A key research area in UAC is the development of advanced modulation and detection schemes for improved performance and range-rate product. In this paper, we propose a GUI to illustrate the BER for eight different coding techniques. Phase Shift Keying (PSK) signalling is employed to make efficient use of the available channel bandwidth. The mathematical modelling of the multi-path effects is based on the image method. Also, the attenuations due to wave scatterings at the surface and their bottom reflections are accounted for. In addition, we consider the loss due to the frequency absorption of different materials and the presence of ambient noises such as the sea state noise, ship-ping noise, thermal noise and turbulences

N.R.Krishnamoorthy , Dr. C.D. Suriyakala

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