ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)

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Special Issue Article Open Access



Traffic violations are on an increasing pace due to the tremendous increase in the traffic volume in the city. Public highways and private facilities demands an increasing need for video transport surveillance facilities to capture evidence of traffic offences, parking violations theft and for gathering details of transport entering and exiting a particular area, such as at toll roads or city toll points, car-parks or in the case of suspected serious and organized crime. This paper describes the impact of surveillance cameras installed in Thiruvananthapuram City. The surveillance cameras are installed in the Thiruvananthapuram City on April 2011.It has been successively installed over 70 locations and traffic violations are monitored. From the analysis of accidents in the Thiruvananthapuram city from 2008 to 2011 it is inferred that the surveillance camera has no effects in reducing the accident rates of the city but there is a considerable increase in the usage of seat belt and helmet. Surveillance cameras plays significant role in reducing crime rate as well as other traffic violations to a certain extent. In order to improve the efficiency of cameras proper enforcement measures should be taken.

Karthika P.T, Varsha V

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