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Research Article Open Access

Isolation of Pseudomonas Syringe from Hazelnut Trees in West Part of Mazandaran Province


Symptoms such as yellowing, wilting and vascular discoloration in hazelnut orchards (Corylus avellanae) observed in the Dohezar region of Tonekabon. After sampling taken from plants which have mentioned symptoms and culture on nutrient agar containing sucrose, positive levan Pseudomonases were isolated. The isolates produce Green Fluorescent Pigments in King,s B Medium. These isolates didn’t grow in Medium containing %5 salt and %1 TTC and unable to create soft rot on the potato. The isolates were negative in terms of oxidase and pectinase but they were positive in terms of make an ice core and catalase. Isolated bacteria showed hypersensitive reaction on tobacco leaves but they unable to hydrolysis gelatin, starch tween 80 and create soft rot on potato. Obtained strains used casein, trehalose, glucose, L – glutamate and aspartate but they unable to use M- tartarate, L-lysine and beta-alanine as a carbon source. Isolates with inoculate suspension of bacteria on 2 years seedlings of hazelnut was Pathogenic and they had ablility to produce Syringomycin in biological assessment on Bacillus subtilis and Geotricum candidum in PDA Medium. Isolates were identified as a P.syringe based on obtained results of physiological and biological tests. This is the first report from P.syringe bacteria as causal agent of hazelnut decline in Iran.

S. E Mahdavian, N Hasanzadeh

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