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Research Article Open Access

Language Teaching in the Digital Age


In a title like “language teaching in the Digital age”, the word ‘language’ seems less trendy than the word ‘digital’. We are rightly impressed by our new digital tools. Twenty – first century teaching is no longer about the four walls of the classroom. There was a time when a learner of English had to rely almost solely on what went on with in those walls. But there was before the coming of the digital age. Now thanks to the internet and the advent of digital media, a shift is happening in language learning moves into a new era. As today’s learners belong to the Digital Age, teachers also must adapt to use technology and multi-media based learning resources to impart the functional teaching of English. So, the need of the hour is to develop a common preservation infrastructure to preserve language-rich web contents’ research data, dissertations and other online asserts. If a collection of data in the form of digital objects are preserved and a proper information retrieval mechanism is provided to access those data then every learner regardless of their skill level and background can access the online contents available, quickly and efficiently.

Ms.Jemima Daniel

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