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Research Article Open Access

Measurement and Analysis of the Gaseous Pollutants in the Surrounding Areas of an Upcoming Airport


Aviation affects the environment through the emission of pollutants from the aircrafts and other supporting airport infrastructure facilities, resulting on human health and the atmosphere. Emitted pollutants resulting from the aircrafts include green house gases and particulates matter that contribute to forcing of climate and gases and particulate matter that are harmful to human health. Aircraft engine emissions include CO, CO2, H20, SO2, NOX, HC and volatile and non volatile particulate matter (PM). Navi Mumbai in the state of Maharashtra, India has been chosen as the study area. NOX and SO2 concentration were monitored at 10 locations around the Navi Mumbai international airport and air quality status were evaluated at all locations. The NOX and SO2 concentration were compared with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) . In this paper an attempt has been made to study the NOX and SO2 level concentrations in the surrounding areas of an upcoming airport..