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Research Article Open Access

Measuring the Quality and Outputs of the Higher Educational Process Optimization by Using Linear Programming Method


The current study aims at Measuring the Quality and Outputs of the Higher Educational Process Optimization as it is recognized by the Teaching Staff in Al Iraqiauniversity based on the quality level of graduates. The researcher conducted a measure concerning the quality of higher educational process. It consisted of eight domains containing 40 items. The study includes a sample about 120 faculty members in the Al -Iraqia University of different colleges under study within the scope of the university. The results were by SPSS (AMOS 19.0). This research focuses on one of the most important system components of university education "outputs", the goal is to measure the quality and optimization of higher education outcomes and identify strengths and weaknesses. Questionnaire are designed with eight axes represent the most important output of Iraq universities, and the sample is made up from within the university from teaching staff of some Iraqi university colleges. The use of appropriate statistical methods was to analyze the results of the sample. The study found a number of conclusions; the most important was the sample opinions agree that the quality of the qualitative level of the graduates which is the most important outputs in higher education institutions is in low level. Although the responsibility for that rests with the university, but they are not the shortened always, as the reasons for this go back to some of the factors affecting lecturers' decisions at the university, others are due to the factors affecting the university itself.

Zeyad Mustafa Hamed Khawka