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Special Issue Article Open Access

Modelling and Finite Element Analysis of Double Wishbone Suspension


Automobile systems today is going through major changes and as concert to comfort the suspension system and its working is very important. The study of suspension system and dynamic analysis are discussed in this paper. The links of the suspension are assumed to be flexible and the elastic stiffness, mass, and geometric stiffness matrices are obtained by using Finite Element Method. In order to express the linear equation of mot ion, suspension link forces required for the geometric stiffness matrices are assumed as constant. Also, the oscillations of the suspension links are neglected since the base displacement is chosen in small amplitude. The FEA done by dividing the lower and the upper arms into two elements. Double wishbone suspension of a quarter cars is modelled assuming the suspension links to be rigid.

Amol Patil , Varsha Patil, Prashant Uhle