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Research Article Open Access

Molavi and Maslow viewpoints on the Concept of Perfectionism and Self-actualization


Human being has been created to reach perfection. The aim of this paper is to express Molavi viewpoint on perfection and the factors leading to perfection and characteristics of the perfect man. His viewpoint is adapted with psychology of self actualization as Maslow. Survey on Masnavi represents that it is a valuable reservoir for training man perfection. The doctrines that give valuable effect to human are originated from divinity that influence the human heart and soul and help him to enter to the universe of meaning where he finds himself the successor of God’s and finally achieves peace and eternal prosperity in the closeness of God. His ultimate goal is to identify human’s exalted dignity and value and does not waste his time to worldly affairs. Abraham Maslow’s theory, the American prominent psychologist, makes motivation the core of personality theory .In his idea, each person has some inherent requirements that activate and guide his behaviors. These needs are instinctive and we come to the world with them, but our behaviors are not innate and they are learned.

Parvaneh Adelzadeh, Mohammad Pashayi, Rasoul Kazemzade, Masoud Dehghani , Fattaneh Semsar Khiabanian5, Kamran Pashayi Fakhri

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